Quality Health Care Products Since 1975
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Welcome to Urocare Products, Inc.

At Urocare, we are dedicated to delivering the highest standard of quality in medical products and each member of the Urocare team is committed to making a difference in the lives of people who use our products.

Please note that the products shown on this website are specific to the United States. In other countries, Urocare products and product descriptions may vary. Please contact us if you need assistance.

Since 1975, Urocare has committed its resources to creating innovative products that meet the needs of healthcare providers and patients alike. Today, Urocare has become a name synonymous for quality health care products. Over the years, Urocare has turned a single product into an entire line of health care products that have become recognized and requested in countries around the globe. These products have unique practical benefits which are the result of years of research, development, customer feedback and refinement. Each is designed to be the most durable, safe and easily used product available today.

Urocare is the sole manufacturer of reusable latex leg bags, disposable vinyl leg bags and urinary drainage Bottle that incorporate the full advantages of our famous, Little Red Valve®. This remarkable anti-reflux valve is self-cleaning and interference free; preventing back flow of urine, thereby reducing the risk of bladder distention and possible infections often incurred with the use of previous products.
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50th Anniversary

Celebrating 50 years in business

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2735 Melbourne, Avenue, Pomona, CA 91767-1931, U.S.A.

Telephone Symbol US and Canada: +1 (800) 423-4441
Outside the US: +1 (909) 621-6013
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